How is your brand being represented on the world’s most important marketplace?


Brand Protection

Having difficulties identifying unauthorized sellers? Is MAP making you tear your hair out because it isn’t being followed? These are common problems for many brand owners, and where our expertise can help. You’ll regain control of your brand as we first, show you how to clean up your distribution channels, eliminate gray market sellers, and create MAP policies that are enforceable.


Brand Presentation

While we identify and eliminate unauthorized sellers and MAP breakers, we’ll simultaneously work on raising your Amazon profile. Are your product listings funky looking and damaging to your brand’s image? Concerned about quality control from unauthorized sellers? These are also common problems that we’ll solve. We’ll create or improve a brand registry on Amazon which will give you control over how your listings look and feel. As the brand owner, you’ll have sole authority to make changes and updates. Brand registry also goes a long way in controlling rogue sellers and counterfeiters. Then we will optimize your listings so that more people can easily find your products instead of your competitors' which will lead to more sales.


Brand Success

The final two steps include helping you become the sole seller of your products on Amazon and launching an aggressive advertising campaign. We promise that being the sole seller of your brand on Amazon will be the easiest part of this entire process because we will manage all of your listings for you. After sending in your products you’ll be totally hands off, free to concentrate on other important matters. We’ll round it off with a well-researched aggressive advertising campaign, which will significantly increase traffic by the most relevant and sought after customers. The end results are professional and fully optimized product listings that are under your control, showcase your brand, and generate more revenue and increased market share over your competitors.

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